Hi! I'm Emma
Having been teaching Pilates for over 10 years, it wasn’t until 6 years ago when I had my daughter that I REALLY started to witness the true power of Pilates.
Pre pregnancy I was in great shape, I had grand plans for an unmedicated birth, I’d done all my homework, I was feeling confident AF. My dreams were shattered when an emergency c-section quickly became the only safe option. I was absolutely devastated. What about my Teaser? What about my Roll Ups and my Hundreds?
A year later I was still unable to feel my own abs, I still had a 4 finger diastasis (abdominal separation about as severe as it gets) and had been told by my doctor that the only way to fix it was with surgery! That did not sit well with me. Really?! There HAD to be a better way.
I started learning everything I could from doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors, other Pilates instructors, and one thing became abundantly clear to me. Women are being massively let down by both the fitness industry and the healthcare industry.
Being told “you’re in pain? That’s normal”
“Can’t jump on a trampoline? Normal”
“Pee when you laugh? Normal”
“Mummy-tummy?, painful sex? All normal”
What’s frustrating about these comments is that whilst all of these things are extremely common in women who’ve given birth, these do NOT have to be our new normal. We’re being led to believe these things, but it doesn’t have to be true. With the right knowledge and a few simple healing exercises, we absolutely CAN reclaim our cores post birth and it is my life’s greatest passion to show other women what I have learnt.
I eventually managed to completely heal my own 4 finger diastasis, got rid of my mum-tum, sex is no longer painful, and i absolutely CAN jump on a trampoline thank you very much!
Unfortunately the information available to the general public about how differently the core functions after birth is very often conflicting and confusing. I’ve even been told by other fitness instructors “don’t talk about the pelvic floor. People don’t care”. This needs to change. Because in order for the core to function correctly after birth, the pelvic floor must first be retrained. And I'm not talking about kegels here.
The pelvic floor was not designed to function independently from the rest of the core. The core is a complex pressure system, but the exercises required to heal it are actually fairly simple. You just have to know how.
I now feel stronger and more confident than I have ever done in my life and it’s my passion to inspire you to move smarter; so that you too can become more comfortable in your own body - literally. I can help you feel your abs again!
+ Post Natal Corrective Exercise Specialist - Dr Sarah Duvall (Physical Therapist)
+ Comprehensive BASI Pilates Graduate - Real Isacowitz
+ Anatomy Intensive Certification - Dr Paula Sauer (Physical Therapist)
+ Classical Pilates Graduate - Whole Body Method
+ 400 Hr Yoga Teacher Training - Noah Mazé

Want to have a stronger core, a flatter tummy, to stand taller and move through your life with more ease?
The Pelvic Floor is the CORE of your core. It is the center from which everything else radiates out. The pelvic floor must function correctly in order for the rest of your core to work efficiently.
When your entire core is functioning efficiently, everything will feel easier. You will stand taller, feel stronger, move with more ease, and notice a flatter, more ‘sucked in’ tummy.
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"I didn’t know if Pilates would be challenging enough of a workout for me (coming from circuit training and weights). Emma changed my mind about that. Pilates has transformed my body! ”